National Democratic Alliance, led by the BJP, has surprisingly lost its majority in the Rajya Sabha. This dramatic change happened after four nominated members retired on July 13, 2024, causing the BJP’s strength in the Rajya Sabha to drop to 86 seats. As a result, the overall strength of the NDA has fallen to 101 seats, which is below the majority mark of 113 in the 245-member House.
The Rajya Sabha, also known as the Council of States, is a crucial part of Indian Parliament. The loss of majority means the government will now need help from other parties to pass laws and make important decisions.
Why the Numbers Dropped
National Democratic Alliance’s numbers went down because four important nominated members retired: Sonal Mansingh, Mahesh Jethmalani, Rakesh Sinha, and Ram Shakal. These members were chosen by the President of India based on the ruling party’s advice. Their retirement has left a big gap in the BJP’s strength in the Rajya Sabha.
Legislative Challenges Ahead
With the NDA falling short of the majority, the government will face tough times passing new laws. National Democratic Alliance will now need to seek support from other parties, including former allies like the AIADMK and the YSR Congress Party. The opposition, led by the Congress, now has 87 seats, with 26 seats held by the Congress itself.
By-Elections: BJP’s Plan
Despite the setback, the BJP remains hopeful about the upcoming by-elections. The party is looking to gain seats in states like Bihar, Maharashtra, and Assam, and also hopes to win in Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Tripura. The BJP believes these by-elections will help them regain some of the lost ground in the Rajya Sabha.
Nominated members in the Rajya Sabha are not part of any political party, but they often support the government that nominated them. The BJP is counting on new nominated members to back their policies and provide much-needed support in the house. This could be a crucial boost for the alliance.
Opposition’s Game Plan
On the other hand, the opposition is also preparing for the by-elections. The Congress is focusing on winning the lone seat in Telangana, hoping to gain from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS). However, any gains in Telangana might be balanced out by possible losses in Rajasthan, where the BJP has a strong majority and is likely to win the seat vacated by a senior opposition member.
The Issue of Vacant Seats
There are currently 19 vacant seats in the Rajya Sabha, four of which are from Jammu and Kashmir. The region has not had an Assembly since 2019, and the Election Commission has not announced dates for the by-elections to fill these vacancies. The BJP is confident about winning the seat in Haryana, vacated by Deepender Singh Hooda after he was elected to the Lok Sabha.
Challenges Ahead
The loss of majority in the Rajya Sabha brings several challenges. The government will have to negotiate with other parties to pass bills, which could slow down the legislative process. The opposition will likely use this chance to push their own agenda, creating a more contentious political environment. BJP-led NDA alliance will face a tough road ahead to regain its strength and keep up its legislative work. The upcoming by-elections will be crucial in determining the future power dynamics in the Rajya Sabha.