TMC MP Mahua Moitra, renowned for her fiery speeches in the Lok Sabha, once again took the floor to deliver a sharp critique of the ruling party. In a moving and heartfelt speech during the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address in Lok Sabha, Mahua Moitra shared her personal journey of loss and resilience.
Moitra’s Fiery Rebuttal
“The last time I stood here,” Moitra began, her voice unwavering, “I was not allowed to speak. But the ruling party has paid a very heavy price for throttling the voice of the opposition.” Her statement was a direct hit at the BJP, pointing out that attempts to silence her had spectacularly backfired, leading to 63 members of the ruling party being permanently sidelined.
#WATCH | TMC MP Mahua Moitra says, "The last time I stood here I was not allowed to speak. But the ruling party has paid a very heavy price for throttling the voice of one MP. In an attempt to suppress me, the public made 63 of your members sit permanently…"
— ANI (@ANI) July 1, 2024
A Tribute to Krishnanagar
Moitra expressed deep gratitude to the people of Krishnanagar for their unwavering support. “Earlier, I was saved by Hindu god Krishna,” she said, “and this time, the people of Krishnanagar ensured that I return to Parliament.” Her heartfelt thanks resonated with her supporters, reinforcing her connection to her constituency.
Moitra’s speech wasn’t just about past grievances. She touched on a myriad of issues plaguing the nation, unleashing a torrent of criticism against the government’s policies, politics, and authoritarian tendencies. She accused the ruling party of betraying the people who voted for them, creating an undeclared emergency, and undermining the judiciary and media.
In a powerful comeback, Mahua Moitra didn’t hold back. Her words, full of passion and conviction, echoed through the chambers as she accused the central government of silencing opposition and damaging democratic values. She tore into the Modi government, highlighting how she had been silenced before, just like other opposition leaders. “They tried to do it with Rahul Gandhi, they tried it with Abhishek Banerjee,” she said.
However, it was her candid revelation that captured everyone’s attention. “I lost my membership, I lost my house, I also lost my uterus in an operation,” she declared. “But you know what I gained? I gained the freedom from fear. I don’t fear you. I will see the end of you [BJP].”
“We are 234 warriors this time, having walked on fire,” she declared, referring to the united front against the BJP. Her words carried the weight of collective determination, a promise that they would not be treated as they were during the last session.
She also criticized the installation of the Sengol in Parliament, seeing it as a symbol of monarchy that doesn’t fit with democracy. The Sengol, historically given to former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, a sign of ”passing of power’ in Tamil history, was placed next to the Speaker’s chair during the recent inauguration of the new Parliament. TMC MP Mahua Moitra also questioned the removal of Article 370 and challenged the government’s claims about women’s empowerment and infrastructure development.
TMC MP Mahua Moitra’s Stand Against Adani
Moitra also dropped a bombshell about Mr. Adani, alleging that he had approached her through two Lok Sabha MPs, attempting to engage in discussions over the last three years. But true to her fiery and uncompromising nature, Moitra stood her ground, refusing to compromise her principles.
Her speech resonated far beyond the walls of the Lok Sabha. Hashtags like #MoitraStrikesBack and #VoiceOfTheOpposition trended, capturing the public’s imagination.
As the political drama unfolds, all eyes are on TMC MP Mahua Moitra. Her fearless approach and bold statements have set the stage for a new chapter in Indian politics. Will her words spark a larger movement against the ruling party’s policies? Can she galvanize the opposition and rally citizens to demand more accountability from their leaders? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Mahua Moitra’s voice has become a powerful force in Indian politics.